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SCP-IKM China First
Exam Student Feedback

SCP-IKM First Exam for Kids Programming in China was successfully completed on December 1 2018! SCP students have seriously prepared the exam, and what do they think about the exam? Let’s hear it together!

Selecting Answers Carefully

Student Feedback

听完学员们的反馈,您是不是也觉得参加IKM的少儿编程认证考试很有趣也有意义?只有完成Smart Coding Plus系列课程的学生,才能获得参加IKM相关科目的认证考试机会哦。所以,赶紧来加入SCP的课堂来学习专业的计算机语言吧!
After hearing the feedback from SCP students, you must agree that taking IKM exam is both interesting and meaningful. Only students who have completed Smart Coding Plus series of courses are qualified to take IKM certification exam in relevant subjects. Therefore, please join SCP to get professional guidance in computer language learning now!
SCP 2018冬令营正在火热报名中,详情请参考下面的链接:
SCP 2018 Winter Camp is in hot registration, please click the link below for details:
SCP 2019春季周末班也已经开放报名,详情请参考下面链接:
SCP 2019 Spring Weekend class is also open for registration. For details, please click the link below:
At last, let us get to know SCP’s exclusive strategic partner-IKM once again!

IKM(www.ikmnet.com), is aninternationally recognized professionalskills certification institution. IKM is headquartered in New York, with offices and affiliations spanning the globe.
IKM has a wide range ofassessment and certification packages for all industries and disciplines, including IT, Project Management, Sales, Computer Literacy, MS Office, Clerical, Legal, Accounting, Retail, Nursing, Call Center and Aptitude.
通过考试的Smart Coding Plus的学生将获得IKM授予的专业技能证书。获得认证的学生将在申请海外留学或者国内相关学府的时候拥有更大的优势!
Smart Coding Plus Students who passed IKM exam will be awarded professional coding certificate, which will help them with both overseas and domestic school applications.
Wish all SCP students pass the exam
successfully and get IKM certificate.
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